Start The Morning Off Right

I have covered my opinion on morning workouts before (they’re the best workouts), but that doesn’t make them appealing to everyone. Nonetheless, getting moving as soon as you get out of the bed can help you start your day off on the right foot. Here are some options for you not-so-morning people or those who do not have time for a full workout in the morning. They are short exercises to get you moving and feeling good!

Happy Sweating 🙂

Pay It Forward

During the summer I help run the town pool in Gordonsville, Va This is the only public pool in the county, and was also build in the Mid 1900’s. With minimal renovations, it maintains its’ small town charm and provides some jobs to the teens in the area. The towns of Orange and Gordonsville help fund the pool and in return their residents get a reduced entry fee of $2.50/day, while out of town residence must pay the full $5.00 entry fee . Patrons do not always understand this difference, thinking that because they have an Orange, or Gordonsville address they get the in town rate. This is not very accurate, as some addresses have a Gordonsville zip code, but are located in the neighboring county.

While there are many stories that I can tell about the patrons of the pool, many that will make your jaw drop, I want to share a touching one that happened this past weekend. A mother came in to swim with her two children. Assuming that they would receive the in-town rate since they had a Gordonsville address they had only brought $10 in cash (we only accept cash or check). Unfortunately, they fell out of the town limits. After being informed of this, the mother was flustered about what to do next.

About that time a grandmother, who regularly comes to the pool with her two granddaughters, walked in the door. As soon as she realized what was going on, which was only a matter of seconds after entering, she said “Here, what is it? I’ll get it.” Without a question, she handed over a $20 bill to pay their full admission fee.

The mother of the two girl tried to give the woman the $10 that she did have in exchange, but the grandmother graciously declined and told them to go enjoy the water. Because the grandmother lives in town and one of her granddaughters under 3, her admission totaled only $5. The $20 was just enough to pay for all of their admission fees for the day. When something like that happens, I can’t help to think that every one of them were in the right place at the right time that day.

Unfortunately, between the number of people who come to the pool with this same assumption and the lack of money I have, my hands are typically tied in these situation. However, the woman who footed the bill for the family did something for them that they’ll never forget. Things like this remind us that the world is still good and just because someone is a stranger doesn’t mean you can’t talk to them or help them out.

So, as we go on with our week let’s pay it forward to someone who might need it. Whether it’s a simple compliment, a short conversation, a helping hand, or literally paying it forward, just do it.

Happy Monday

❤ K

Hydrating Your Workout

In the peak of summer, hydration is crucial, whether we are exercising or simply outside. So how much is enough? In general, we need 0.5-1.0 oz fluid/pound of body weight. Calculate your range:

_(weight)_pounds x 0.5 = __Minimum_____

_(weight)_pounds x  1.0 =__Maximum_____

Now let’s take exercise into consideration. The sweat and extra energy expenditure that occur during exercise increases out fluid needs. To make sure this does not impact our health or performance, we must hydrate both before and after exercise, not just during. Here’s the timeline:

2-3 c. fluid 2 hours before exercise

1 c. or 4-6 sips every 10-15 minutes during exercise

2-3 c./pound lost after exercise

In addition to knowing and following the fluid intake recommendations, it’s also great to be educated on dehydration. The National Library of Medicine provide the following information on dehydration –

Signs of mild to moderate dehydration:

  • Thirst
  • Dry or sticky mouth
  • Not urinating much
  • Darker yellow urine
  • Dry, cool skin
  • Headache
  • Muscle cramps

Signs of severe dehydration:

  • Not urinating, or very dark yellow or amber-colored urine
  • Dry, shriveled skin
  • Irritability or confusion
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Breathing rapidly
  • Sunken eyes
  • Listlessness
  • Shock (lack of blood flow through the body)
  • Unconsciousness or delirium

What to do

  • Try sipping water or sucking on ice cubes.
  • Try drinking water or sports drinks that contain electrolytes.
  • Do not take salt tablets. They can cause a serious complication.
  • If severe dehydration is present hospitalization and re-hydration via IV may be needed

Not big on drinking water? Check out this post on how to spice of your relationship with water!

Happy Hydrating 🙂

Summer Salad To-Go

Mason jars seem to have become a huge craze recently. Skeptical at first, I finally decided to try out a jar salad. I have been packing my lunch a lot this summer between working at the pool and getting in hours at the hospital. Using jars have proved to be beneficial when taking my lunch or dinner (or both) to go. Jars are not only easy to fit in lunch boxes, they are also great for portion control! Below are some ideas on flavor combinations to mix in your jar. These are not originally for salad in a jar, so adjustments on the measurements will need to be made. For a quart jar I recommend:

2 c. Base

1/2 c. Vegetables

1/4 c. Protein

1/4 c. “Flavor Fun” (I would use multiple toppings!!!)

2 Tbs. Healthy Fats

2 Tbs. Dressing

Happy Creating 🙂

Taking a Vacation

The worst part about taking a break from working out is getting back into the rhythm of working out. However, summer is vacation season. We take a break from our normal routine to enjoy time with friends or family, or maybe ourselves. This break from routine also means a break from our typical workout routine and more than likely our workout facilities.That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t workout at all! We just need to take a vacation from our typical workout routine, and tailor our workout to our vacation. Keeping up with working out, even if it is less frequent or intense tha usual, will make getting back from vacation more enjoyable!

Here’s some ideas on how to vacation and workout:

  • Explore. Take a walk or run around the area you are vacationing! We’re at the beach this week so we have been running and walking on the beach.
  • Take advantage of your surroundings. Staying in a hotel with a pool? Try some laps! At the beach? Playing in the water, throwing Frisbees –  it’s all exercise!
  • Use body weight exercises. Pinterest is my all time favorite place to look up exercise ideas that don’t require a gym! There are both strength exercises and cardio circuits that can be done in a small area.
  • Take the long way. Vacation is all about relaxing, but a little extra effort can go a long way! Purposefully take the long way. Whether it’s the steps instead of the elevator or parking further away in the parking lot, the extra exercise will add up!

Happy Vacationing!

Words Are More Than Just Ink On a Piece of Paper

I know that I have been referencing the speakers I had the opportunity to hear at the conference I attended in Florida, but it’s just because of how inspiring they were! Today I want to reflect on the session with Gerald Jones, an international motivational speaker. The concept of his message was to affirm yourself. We all have voices in our heads. We all speak to ourselves. It doesn’t make us crazy, it makes us normal. Gerald Jones focused on making this voice in our heads affirmative, rather than condescending, pessimistic, and negative.  He begins his sessions by getting the audience to say the following affirmation:

” I am not

who they say

I am.

I am great.

I am wonderful.

I am powerful.

And that’s what’s up.”

The first time that he gets the audience to repeat the affirmation they say it out loud in unison. The second time, everyone repeats the lines pointing to themselves. The final time, everyone turns to a person beside them and says the lines to their partner angrily, but wholeheartedly. This can sound kind of silly, but the more you tell yourself something, the more you begin to convince yourself of it. Saying something out loud increases its impact – both negative and positive.

So, how many times a day do you tell yourself that you are not good at something? That you don’t look good? That you would be a better person if something about you was different?

Think about where these standards and ideas come from. Society, especially media, plants these ideas in our mind of the right, or ideal, person we should be. We must be polite. We can’t talk about ourselves or boast. We need to be skinny. We need to have the newest fashion of clothes. We cannot be different. The source of the standards we hold ourselves to are blurry. We do not realize the subtle message we hold on to about body image, or personality traits.

In reality, if we all met this so called “ideal” the world would be pretty damn boring. There’s no reason that we should feel like we need to be what everyone else wants, or to believe that we are who everyone else says we are. In reality, most people have no idea of who we are.

As a part of being our own selves, we need to make sure to affirm all parts of who we are. Claim what you love, and do so proudly. Beginning to do this can be as easy as taking one word out of your vocabulary: not.

Think of all the things the voice in your head says you’re not. For me these have been ” I am not…

…a writer.

…a runner.

…an athlete.

…a yogi (not even sure if I’m using this term right)”

each time these things come to mind, I think of this:

It all goes back to comparing – don’t continually compare yourselves to other’s standard. You’re you, so completely and sincerely be you.

 “Words are not just ink on a piece of paper” – Gerald Jones 

Happy Monday 🙂

Stuffed Zucchini Boats

I think I have vaguely mentioned that I am shadowing dietitians at my local hospital for a summer class. I have been shadowing the two inpatient dietitians for about 50-55 hours now, but Wednesday I was able to shadow the outpatient dietitian! Once I have a real career as a dietitian, I want to eventually be doing outpatient stuff instead of clinical. Clinical is too depressing for me. Everyone at the hospital is old, have multiple chronic illnesses and are past the point of making any dietary changes. I want to work somewhere that I can teach about nutrition, not chart all day and watch patients die. (morbid, but true).

Anyways….. I absolutely loved shadowing the outpatient dietitian and figured I would share one of her recipes! You can check out more here, or take a look at her Facebook page!

Stuffed Zucchini Boats 


  • 4 large zucchini, cut into halves lengthwise
  • 1 cup chopped red bell pepper
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 2 teaspoons minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 medium tomato, seeded and chopped
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh basil or 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves
  • 1 (15-ounce) can garbanzo, black or red beans, rinsed, drained and coarsely chopped
  • ÂĽ cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided


  1. Hollow out zucchini with a spoon, leaving ÂĽ inch thick shells; set aside. Chop zucchini that was removed.
  2. Sauté chopped zucchini, bell pepper, onion and garlic in oil in large skillet until crisp tender, about 8 minutes. Add tomato and basil. Sauté until tomato is wilted and mixture is fairly dry, about 5 minutes.
  3. Add beans and 2 tablespoons of the cheese to the zucchini mixture.
  4. Spoon zucchini mixture into reserved zucchini shells; sprinkle with remaining Parmesan cheese. Grill, covered, over medium-hot coals until zucchini shells are crisp-tender, about 10-15 minutes.

Makes 4 servings.

Note: These can also be baked in a 350-degree oven.

Bad Yogi

So, a very long time ago I embarked on a 4-week yoga challenge. I chose to go with one posted on YouTube by Erin Motz where each day she guides you through a yoga session that is under 20 minutes. I picked this challenge because it was only 4 weeks and the description – Bad Yogi –  perfectly described my yoga ability. I am not talking about the cool/talented/good kind of “bad,” I’m saying that I am bad at yoga. After looking back I do not think I was or am bad, there are just some things I did not like about my prior yoga experience. The main things that turn me off to yoga are ….

  • Uncomfortable poses. You see the instructor do a pose that looks nice and relaxing, then you try it and you don’t get remotely close to the way they look, and what’s more, it feels like your body was never suppose to bend that way.
  • Length of holding poses. I am not about anything slow when it comes to exercise, I completely lose my attention. I hate being in yoga classes where you  are literally in the same pose for minute, just breathing. The instructor always decides to  do it on the uncomfortable poses too!
  • Class length. As a beginner, I want to start slowly. There are only so many poses and combinations of poses that I can do with the level I am at. I also do not have an hour in my day to give to yoga right now.
  • The struggle of form. All the classes I have attended, the instructor will give tips on form or correct you for doing something the wrong way. Yes, this is good, but it just make me more uncomfortable in the pose and dislike yoga.

I found that this specific challenge to be none of these things. Erin is very good at emphasizing doing a pose that is comfortable and natural to you. She gives modifications for those of us that are still knew, highlighting points of form that are important to preventing injury. Her videos move through poses at a quicker pace where you still get the benefit of practice, but not the discomfort. The videos are all under 20 minutes, and most under 15.

This was my first yoga routine experience and I really loved it! I got a short “me” time that was relaxing and made my body feel great! If you are looking for something new, I highly recommend trying the challenge or checking out Erin’s YouTube channel to check out some of her videos.

Be Thankful Daily

I’m not one who is big on comparing ourselves to others, unless it’s to gain perspective. Everyday we give part of our time to thinking about our problem or difficulties, but others would consider themselves lucky to have our struggles. We don’t always get to choose the life we are given, but we get to chose what we do with it.